12 Tips before getting an eSafety check in Sydney

If you are going for an eSafety check inSydney then there are some simple tests that you can do yourself before you take it to the mechanic and avoid the Repairs Needed Report. 1) No Unwanted Attachments: The vehicle should not have any additional attachments like holders, hooks or trays that are protruding from the body 2) Vehicle Body: If there is significant rust or breakage on the body of the car then it will be declared unfit. 3) Wipers: It is important to ensure that the wipers are not just operational but that they can remove water off the windshield effectively. 4) On Board Indicator Lights: If any of the onboard indicators are on when they are not supposed to be or vice versa, then the test will deem the car as unfit. Checking the battery and its connections could ensure that this does not happen. 5) Seatbelts: The thre...